Woohoo so how good was that gig?
* They opened with Bulletproof Cupid, as I cunningly predicted
* Brian's audience banter was *nice* and *funny* - rather than the usual ignoring us, or being bitchy
* Brian intervened when security wanted to chuck out a crowdsurfer
* They played a dancing boppy version of Teenage Angst - I am not ashamed to say there was a tear in my eye
* "Danse Macabre" by The Faint was played *3 TIMES* before Colour of Fire came on-stage
* Steve've hair was bloody curly by the end, and he rawked
* Jinks + I beat a retreat during "Pure Morning" because I was so hot and dehydrated (afterwards he said he was really worried, so I must have looked quite floppy, haha)
* All the squidgy crowd movements knocked Richard to the floor at one point
* Crazy foreign guy next to me reeking of ammonia (probably pissed himself with excitement)
* Brian-a-like lesbian RIGHT IN MY WAY when Placebo took the stage... only to mysteriously vanish
*Got punched in the mouth (accidentally) by tall guy who I overheard outlining his theory why short people shouldn't be allowed at the front at gigs
* "No, I'm from London"
* Stefan posing on the amp, and Brian laughing at him
* Brian totally dripping with sweat
* When Brian came on stage Richard excitedly said "He looks purdy!!!"
* "I am Placebo's dad..."
* The Pixies cover at the end, and the audience singing the "oooohs" it was a great vibe
* Brian announcing they were going to perform on "Re:Covered"
* Molly getting Brian's cup and drinking the remaining vodka
* Stefan's pick bouncing of Chalkie's leg... and then vanishing
* A whole load of leaflets landing on my head
* Had to use my bandana as a sweat mop!
* Brian's comments on internet piracy "there's a whole generation of kids growing up not even knowing that albums have covers"
* crowd: "What do you think of George Bush?"
molks: "Bush? (laugh) don't get me started"
crowd: "What about Blaaaaaaaaaaaair?"
molks: "Slayer?"
crowd: "Blaaaaaaaaaaaaair"
molks: "You'll have to ask Stefan about Slayer... Stefan? Slayer?"
stef - \m/ (throwing horns)
molks: "He's so articulate"
* Lady of the Flowers (first time I've seen them perform it)
that'll do, pig